About me

I started my homeopathic training in 2011 at the School of Homeopathy in Stroud, Gloucestershire, and qualified at the end of the 4 year course in June 2015. I have been in practice ever since.

To be able to work as a homeopath is an absolute joy; it brings me huge pleasure and is also a great privilege. I feel so fortunate and honoured to be a part of the lives of so many families and individuals. 

I first discovered the miracle of homeopathy in my late teens after seeing a homeopath for my recurrent eczema, following a bereavement. I had been prescribed steroid creams by a GP, and applied them religiously for over six months, however the eczema kept returning; to my astonishment, it disappeared completely after I took just one homeopathic remedy and has never returned.

Fast forward fifteen years and I was a new mother to a baby boy; my interest in homeopathy was revived when he developed several chronic health complaints (skin conditions, respiratory complaints, gastrointestinal disorders and so on). He was prescribed endless antibiotics, steroids, fungal creams and other medications, but I eventually started realising that he was simply not a healthy child, and that these medicines were not improving his overall health; in fact, they were simply suppressing the symptoms, rather than treating the underlying cause(s). I began taking him to a lovely local homeopath and very gradually his health improved; it was a long journey to restore his health and strengthen his immune system, but I was and remain convinced that without homeopathy he would not be the happy and far healthier young adult that he is today. Both he and his sister have responded extremely well to homeopathic treatment during times of ill health, and I will always be grateful for how much it has helped them.

While my son was still a baby, on the advice of my homeopath I purchased one of Helios’ famous “blue boxes” (remedy kits) and over time I became a total convert. My husband and I began seeing the homeopath for ourselves, and by the time our daughter was born, I had purchased Miranda Castro’s book and a few other homeopathic books, and was hooked. Homeopathy soon became the main form of healing we used as a family, for both acute and chronic complaints.

I bought more health, nutrition and homeopathy books over the following years, relishing this new interest. Friends caught my enthusiasm and even began ringing me for acute remedy advice for themselves or their children!

When we decided to relocate from southwest London to the Cotswolds in 2011, I enrolled onto the School of Homeopathy’s 4 year practitioner course at Hawkwood in Stroud, Gloucestershire. It was a powerful and truly amazing experience that completely changed my life. The most humbling and enjoyable part has been my ability to participate in my patients’ healing journeys; to feel I have played a role in improving someone's health is rewarding and life-enhancing beyond anything I could previously imagine.

The wonder of homeopathy is the way in which it deals with the whole person, rather than simply the presenting physical or emotional symptoms. We are all far more than the sum of our ailments, after all!

As well as practising homeopathy, I have loved studying and continuing with my professional development since I qualified; in 2019 I obtained a diploma in nutrition from the School of Health, and I have also completed 2 courses in Bach Flower Remedies for Homeopaths (Bach Centre Levels 1 and 2), as well as nutritional supplementation training and homeobotanical therapy. I am also a registered hair tissue mineral analysis practitioner (HTMA). These various therapies are all a wonderful addition to my practice, and I offer them as and when I feel they would help each patient on an individual basis.

Most of my patients are babies, toddlers and children; right from the start, I wanted to focus on working with children, having personally been through the difficult experience of coping with a sick child. However, I have also been able to help many adult patients with a very wide range of health ailments, including serious chronic disease. My current patients range in age from a newborn baby to a wonderful, inspiring and extremely energetic lady in her eighties, and every age in between.

I work from the School of Homeopathy clinic in Stroud, and also have a home clinic in Nailsworth. I am a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths, which is the main governing body for homeopaths in the UK (https://homeopathy-soh.org/). This means that I abide by the Society's Code of Ethics and Practice, and I am fully licensed and hold professional insurance.

I aim to tread as lightly on our planet as possible. To this end, I am registered with ICO for Data Protection (storing data electronically), and am therefore able to run an almost completely paper-free office, with the exception of business cards and printed invoices on request, all of which are printed on recycled paper. Where possible, I cycle, walk or use public transport to get to my patient consultations.