The bugs and viruses have descended with a vengeance! Homeopathy is a useful addition to treatment of colds, flu and other seasonal ailments that are so common at this time of year. Why not learn a bit more about how to manage your family's health issues at one of my 2 hour homeopathy workshops?
Have a read about them here Sam Pereira homeopathy workshops
They are fun, interactive and you will learn lots.
The next workshop will take place on Thursday 15th November 10am till midday. The cost is £25 which includes a copy of the excellent homeopathic book Get Well Soon (RRP £4.99) along with my workshop notes as well as tea and healthy-ish cake.
Alternatively if you'd like to host your own workshop in your own home - and receive the workshop and materials for free - please do let me know. Minimum 6 participants required.
Please contact me to book your place.